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Stuck in Second Gear? Shift into High Gear with Growth Catalyst

Join today, and sort your business STRATEGY so you can achieve greater business success.

Revving your engine for growth but finding yourself stuck in neutral? You're not alone. Many business owners experience the frustration of pouring effort in without seeing the results they crave. It can feel like you’re constantly on the gas, yet your business growth remains sluggish.

Growth Catalyst, is specifically designed to help you nail your business strategy and develop a clear action plan to overcome these common roadblock:

Boxes growth catalyst

Delivered online over Zoom



The Box Box Growth Process

Content Only





The Box Box Growth Process
with Support

Content plus one to one and group support



Growth Catalyst_Bex-facing-away

Your Roadmap to Success

My structured, tried & tested process guides you to create a comprehensive & considered plan for growth, that you can feel clear and confident with.

Growth Catalyst_Orange-check-1 Start seeing the growth, the revenue and the profit that you always knew you could achieve.
Growth Catalyst_Orange-check-1 Feel empowered, excited and equipped to generate more revenue in your business.
Growth Catalyst_Orange-check-1 Start moving closer to that vision you have of your business 3, 5, 10 years down the line.

The Growth Catalyst Process


You'll be guided through each element of the process to develop your full business strategy, so you can make better and quicker business decisions, stay focused, and get results.


We start by getting really really clear on what growth looks like for you, what you want to achieve, and what you value.

We think about your role in your business, your exit strategy, and the legacy you want to leave behind.

Knowing where you want to end up is the first stage in planning how you will get there.


The next stage is making sure that you understand your finances, so we make sure that you understand your current financial situation, how to create and use a profit loss, and how you are generating profit in your business.


We then move on to consider growth strategies, and opportunities for growth, all the while understanding the effect that these options have on our finances.


Marketing your product or service is a huge part in most growth strategies, so we get into the details of who your ideal client is, where we will find them, and what we need to say to them.

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This is where we start making sense of all your thoughts, ideas, strategies and initiatives and we start actually building up the plan. We set strategic goals and core milestones, and then we plan, in detail the who, what, how and when will we do....

This is where you start getting the confidence, in the detail, as we define step-by-step how you will achieve your vision.


To finish we create our scorecard to measure progress, and I show you a meeting format you can use to keep yourself and your team on track. For those with employee’s I share a simple performance management template you can use in your 1:1’s to make sure that you are supporting your employees development and progress.

"I recently finished a Business Growth Course with Box Box Solutions. The course has a well-organised structure that enables you to take a closer look at your business, and plan for the future. Rebecca has been exceptional, as she helped me strategise and contemplate my business’s growth, its objectives, and its 'why', which I had been ignoring due to a lack of time. Rebecca is an efficient and straight talking, and her teaching style creates a collaborative and encouraging environment for thinking and brainstorming. I highly recommend this course to any business owner or team seeking to grow their business."

Becky Mann

"I was recently lucky enough to attend one of Rebecca's business growth courses and it was excellent! I had been struggling with direction and knowing how to, whether to and when to implement ideas and she helped me create a plan that is achievable and that I can keep updating. It has completely changed the way think about my business and I am very grateful for that. Rebecca is very personable and made all the steps interesting and relevant, I enjoyed it so much and I never thought I'd say that about business! If you want to feel excited about and in control of your business's future - work with Rebecca!" 

Molly Matcham - Molly Matcham Photography


The Box Box Growth Process

Content Only


You get all of the pre-recorded content to work through at your own pace.




The Box Box Growth Process
Content + Support


You get all of the pre-recorded content to work through at your own pace, but you also get all of the following support:

4 hrs of one to one support

Access to the group WhatsApp

Access to 8 weeks of live group  Q&A sessions 

Refresher day in September

“full of value, zero filler. Very easy to follow. Not slow, not boring, very engaging”

Through the course you will:

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Exactly what
activities to
focus on

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Where money would
best be spent for
maximum effect

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Which projects
to pursue

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A cohesive plan from all of those thoughts and ideas that are constantly whirling around your head

Come away with a clear and comprehensive plan, that you can feel confident in delivering, because you will know exactly how you are going to grow your business.

5 Reasons to Enrol

1. Get your growth strategy sorted before the kids break up for school

2. The longer you wait to grab the bull by the horns and invest in yourself, the more opportunities are passing you by, and the closer your competitors will get to you

3. So many business owners get stuck because the task seems too big, or it feels too overwhelming to try and get all their thoughts and ideas into a proper plan, or they think that if they just keep working harder it will all start improving. This programme will help you get un-stuck, it will get your ideas in order, and it will allow you to prioritise what’s really needed to be able to grow

4. If you don’t take some action now, 6 months will go by and nothing will change

5. Invest in yourself, in your growth and in your success.

“Box Box Solutions ticked all the boxes, pardon the pun, & Rebecca did exactly what she said she would. The first session was what I was doing already which was good to realise that we were on the same page. The sessions that followed were pleasantly in detail, but easy to understand & implement into my industry. To focus further, to understand more of the 'nuts & bolts' of business growth & understand to do what, when & why. Would I recommend anyone lucky enough to be offered a place for this or similar courses with Rebecca?
Yes I would 100%.”

Adrian Kirkbride – AJ-Security

“I have attended a course with Box Box solutions and I can not express how much I have gained from the course.

Bex has a way of breaking business into simple steps that do not seem over- whelming but then pulls it all together to create an actionable plan that generates results.
She is extremely knowl- edgeable but also approachable and collaborative.
I would highly recommend her services.”

Becki Anne Glaister - Cardewlees

What else is included


Access to the following templates for you to use:
  • Profit & Loss Template
  • 1-Page Business Plan Template
  • Action Plan Template
  • Balanced Scorecard Template
  • Performance Management Template
  • Meeting Format
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Option to purchase for 3 month coaching package - 1 hr per week on
zoom for 12 weeks) at £960 – usual price £3k ✓ ✓

This offer is only available to attendee’s that have enrolled on this course

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4 x hrs of one to one support on zoom 

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  Access to the group WhatsApp for peer support, and     quick fire support from me

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Enrolment into the weekly Business Support Sessions for 8 weeks – these are held for an hour each week, on zoom, and the group comes together to ask questions, discuss business and get group support

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Free enrolment onto my 1-day refresher day on September 17th

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Your Options –
Sprint or Intensive

The very best option is the intensive, it allows you the time to think about your business, to consider your options, and we can go through the exercises together as you get the one to one support included.

Previous attendee’s have said that they like that they have time blocked out each week to work on their business, and that if they were left to go back to the office and try and complete exercises there, it would become really difficult, as inevitably, the day to day running of the business, the fire fighting and distractions take hold.

So to give yourself the best chance of creating the very best plan, the intensive course will give you that time you need, that you deserve, to really focus on your business.

However, the sprint course is a great option for those who are on a tight budget, or for those who feel confident that they can make time to complete the exercises on their own.

Payment plan available on request, please email for details here.

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