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Master Your Business Finances: Transform Data into Profits

Join me for an online webinar!


Master Your Business Finances: Transform Data into Profits

Wednesday September 11th 2024

7:00pm - 8:00pm


In 60 minutes you will walk away understanding:


Your key financial metrics, how to read them and what the terminology means.


A 360 view on how different strategies can improve your ongoing performance.


What information you must look at in order to make better business decisions.


Identify where you can make more money and increase your profits.




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This is for you if:

You’re busy working in the business and you want to increase your profit.

You procrastinate on making big decisions in your business because there is doubt in your own mind.

You often feel overwhelmed and tend to make decisions based on your gut feel and intuition rather than facts and data.


See what others have said about this session!

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Even though I've been doing this for 12 years, the section on finance is the thing that has really stuck in my head!

Daniel Dainty
Business Owner - Stratum Now
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I'm better at decision making and feel more confident now

Becky Mann
Business Owner - B&Co. Studio